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Price details

The prices shown in this section already include the VAT and can vary according to the type of domain or cost in package with the hosting.

Domain 1 year Order
.com $14.99 Buy
.net $14.99 Buy
.org $14.99 Buy
.info $14.99 Buy $20.99 Buy
.mx $48.99 Buy

Our services

We have the best privileges and guarantees for you, giving you as a customer that certainty of having contracted a quality service at a price that you will like.

Support 24/7/365

You will have support when you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

30 Day Warranty

You can hire our services and if you are not satisfied with the service you can request your refund.

Online 99.999%

Be sure to have your website online, no crash issues because our team performs constant reviews.

Frequent questions

If you have any questions regarding our services you can solve them in the following section.

A hosting is a space that you rent to be able to store your site and your institutional mails, an analogy would be like the terrain where you build your house, in this case your house would be your information (Website and mail)

You can use it to upload your site, store the mails, also to save other types of files that are very heavy to send them by mail.

Of course, our hosting has several methods so that your information and your files are kept safe, we have from firewalls that block several types of attacks until personnel that monitors the servers.

Of course it is possible only if you buy a hosting without domain people browsing the internet will not be able to find your site and in the case of just buying the domain people will not be able to see anything when entering because there is no space for you website or institutional mail.